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Volunteer & Connect with Homeless Many Veterans are Homeless. Many are coming out of the military with PTSD and need help finding apartments and connecting with family. Monroe County Homeless Initiative works with volunteer groups Operation Chill Out and Valor to help Homeless Vets. There is 24 hour emergency care to try and get help, food, water, supplies, counseling, and housing for homeless vets. Sometimes it can be as simple as calling a relative that can get a person off the street and into a home. Other times, it can be water to drink that can literally save a life. It is important to listen to what they need and treat them with kindness. Please be kind to the homeless. They really just like you. Only without the security or comfort of a roof over their head—And no address. Unfortunately, it is the address that defines people in this society.
Many Homeless People feel they are Invisible. They do not have much self-confidence and feel that they are not important or less than other people. Homeless People work hard to try to be invisible &try to fit in. · Give a cup of coffee-that simple gesture of kindness can help change a life. · Donate blankets, socks, hand warmers, batteries, tents, towels, toiletries, tissues, backpacks, tape, tents & tarps. · Talk to the homeless person & be positive, positive thoughts are contagious & what someone needs · Volunteer your professional services - No matter what you do for a living, you can help the homeless with your on-the job talents and skills. Monroe County needs professionals from the building industry to build and renovate critically needed housing for the homeless. Those with clerical skills can train those with few skills. Doctors, psychiatrists, counselors and dentists can treat the homeless in clinics. Lawyers can help with legal concerns. Chefs/culinary students can prepare meals. Hairstylist can cut and style hair. Mechanics can make vehicle repairs. The homeless’ needs are bountiful -- your time and talent won't be wasted
Monroe County Homeless Initiative Help Improve the quality of life of homeless people so they stay alive, get jobs, & get housing.
Please be kind to the homeless. They really just like you. Only without the security or comfort of a roof over their head—And no address. Unfortunately, it is the address that defines people in this society.
You can give a homeless person something and they will be the most grateful person who will truly cherish the gift. A homeless person is homeless by circumstance and many do not need much to become active members of society again. Unfortunately, 30% of homeless people are veterans who served protecting this country and many are middle aged adults that worked in Monroe county for 30+ years. Many are physically disabled and cannot work and cannot afford housing. 97% of Monroe County Homeless have had families have lived in Monroe for generations. Every night, not far from you, hundreds of children, families, veterans and others in your community are experiencing homelessness and many are your neighbors. If you don’t see them, you are not looking. For the majority experiencing homelessness, it is by circumstance and not by choice. The loss of a job, the death of a spouse or a child or a severe physical disability became the route to total despair. These are the very real tragedies that have happened to many people experiencing homelessness. Struck by personal tragedies, they have lost their homes and support systems and are not looking to remain homeless. You can repair this tear in Monroe County’s social fabric by helping them move from benches to beds and to self sufficiency.
This Veteran Lived in Walmart's Parking Lot for 2 Years.
He just moved into his own home!!!!!
He is so happy!!!!
Heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers that made this possible!
Any questions or anything we can do to help, please email
For donations
God’s People Helping People PO Box 323 Reeders, PA 18352 (570)269-8916
Please email us with your food pantry, community meal, and shelter information so we may add it. Thank you.
godspeoplehelpingpeople@gmail.com http://www.godspeoplehelpingpeople.com
Every night, not far from you, hundreds of children, families, veterans and others in your community are experiencing homelessness and many are your neighbors. If you don’t see them, you are not looking. For the majority experiencing homelessness, it is by circumstance and not by choice. The loss of a job, the death of a spouse or a child or a severe physical disability became the route to total despair. These are the very real tragedies that have happened to many people experiencing homelessness. Struck by personal tragedies, they have lost their homes and support systems and are not looking to remain homeless. You can repair this tear in Monroe County’s social fabric by helping them move from benches to beds and to self sufficiency. 1 in 420 people in the US are Homeless 1 in 7 homes are empty There are 24 empty homes for each homeless American 44% of homeless are employed 60% of homeless are disabled 30% of homeless are Veterans